Thursday, June 12, 2008

Gadget to curb m-cycle thefts - The Star


MOTORCYCLISTS can soon look forward to fewer motorcycle thefts following a new safety throttle lock system in-vented by researchers at Universiti Sains Ma-laysia (USM) in Penang.

USM’s School of Mechanical Engineering lecturer Prof Ahmad Yusoff Hassan, who is lea-ding the research and development team, said the breakthrough was made by the univer-sity’s engineering campus.

He said the new system differed from an ordinary motorcycle lock in that it had a dual locking mechanism.

“This system immobilises a mo-torcycle by locking both the throttle and brake handle during parking,” he said.

Compact and portable:Prof Ahmad holding two prototypes of the throttle lock.

Safety mechanism:A motorcyclist can immobilise his machine by using the throttle lock

Fruits of their research:Prof Dr Peh(right) and USM researcher Hesham Hasan Hussein Abdul Aziz showing some of the applications derived from their research.

He said the new lock was water re-sistant, relatively compact and portable.

“We have been approached by a few companies that are interested in producing and distributing the throttle lock. We hope to re-lease this product by next year,” he told a press conference at Dewan Persidangan USM in Pe-nang on Tuesday.

The invention was also awarded the JIPA Award for Best Invention and Industrial Design at the 19th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition ITEX 2008 in Kuala Lumpur in May.

USM also discovered a way to reduce the yellow staining caused by cur cumin pigment found in turmeric.

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences’ Assoc Prof Dr Peh Kok Khiang said cur cumin was widely used for the treatment of disea- ses such as in-flammation, skin wound and tumour.

He said that based on this, a team of resear-chers from the school found a way to reduce the staining and improve its flow ability and stability by encapsulating the cur cumin and tur-meric oil ex-tract.

He also said the encapsula-ted cur cumin and turmeric oil microcapsule could be formulated in dermatological preparations such as cream, lotion, ointment and shampoo.

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